Programs learning
History of MITU-MASI

Main purposes of evolve:
- A higher quality and status as a research institute in our main academic fields of expertise.
- Deeper ties with leading foreign universities and more international exchange programs for students and teachers.
- A stronger position as an advanced training center that prepares a talent pool for government agencies.
- More large and famous companies among our internship partners and more practical assignments and contracts for our students and teachers.
- A better material, technical and information base.

The advantages of studying
Master classes, film lectures, field events, excursions with art experts, critics and historians are regularly held for our students. Creative life is represented in the form of a theater and vocal studio. Our students work in modern design and architecture laboratories. Business games, mock trials and other simulations are regularly organized for our law students. Stands with network equipment are installed for our students specializing in system administration.
There is a student council, a fraternity, a sorority, a parliamentary debate club and a language club, a volunteer and patriotic center, a project accelerator, a business incubator, an urban studies club, sports clubs, an environmental and e-sports league, as well as a student scientific society.
Applicants are eligible for state-funded grants. For some majors, the MGTU-MASI Board of Trustees provides scholarships even to students who study on a commercial basis. For the social support of active students, a personal rector's scholarship may be awarded to them.
Studying at MGTU-MASI means an interactive form of classes, modern comfortable classrooms, the opportunity to have two majors at the same time, a state issued diploma, but the main advantage acquired by our graduates during their training at our alma mater is the professional experience and personal growth.
Moscow Information Technology University – Moscow Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering was registered in 1996 (Certificate of registration No. 62356 dated October 28, 1996, issued by the State Agency of the Moscow Registration Chamber).
The history of the university is unique: long-time mergers of universities of technological, humanitarian and creative orientation culminated in the creation of Moscow Information Technology University – Moscow Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering (MITU-MASI). The university has been proudly bearing this name since October 11, 2016.
Such diversity of our curriculum has allowed us to find a modern approach to solving traditional problems, to identify the positive aspects of each academic field and create an effective educational platform, a consortium university that provides quality education.
Our graduates are professionals in their field of expertise. We take pride in the achievements of our students and send them to the best companies for internship. After internship, the student may be hired by this organization. We do our best to develop the skills and professional competencies of our students. In the course of training, our students gain not only the solid theoretical knowledge needed in their profession, but also practical skills. After studying at our university, the student is fully prepared for professional activities, has a portfolio and possesses good soft skills.
We cooperate with more than 200 companies and organizations located in Moscow and the Moscow region. Our students are sent to internship to companies based on their specialization. These are the ministries and departments of Moscow, construction and development companies, theater, architectural bureaus and design studios.
Our university cooperates with large companies that are willing to take students for internship, and then employ the best ones:
The students of Moscow Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering are trained in large construction and development companies, architectural bureaus and design studios:
- — Department of capital repairs of the city of Moscow;
- — Prefecture of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow;
- — GUP MO NIiPI of Urban Planning;
- — TechnoNICOL;
- — Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning of the City of Moscow;
- — State housing Inspectorate;
- — Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography;
- — Install Profi;
- — ASADOV Architectural Bureau;
- — Archi-M workshop;
- — GAU NI and PI of the General Plan of Moscow, etc.
Our Acting department takes pride in the fact that among its teachers there are practicing actors from such famous Russian theaters as Stanislavsky Theater, Operetta, Moscow Drama and Spivak Theater. Our college students enroll in the best theatrical schools. MITU-MASI students undergoing higher education programs on acting have already distinguished themselves in popular Russian TV series and on the theater stage.
Internship for the students majoring in Psychology and Pedagogy is an integral part of their future specialty. Students undergo pedagogical traineeship in schools and other educational institutions, various specialized centers for psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance, private companies, public and non-profit organizations.
Those studying at the Institute of Management and Law under MITU-MASI University undergo practical training in well-known financial and legal public and private commercial organizations:
- — Arbitration Court of the City of Moscow;
- — Moscow City Prosecutor's Office;
- — Administration of the Judicial Department in Moscow (district courts);
- — Department for Ensuring the Activities of Magistrates of the City of Moscow;
- — The Moscow Main Investigation Department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs;
- — Federal Financial Monitoring Service;
- — Department of the Federal Tax Service for the City of Moscow;
- — Promsvyazbank;
- — Moscow Credit Bank, etc.
Students of the Institute of Digital Technologies become must-have specialists for such large organizations as Moscow United Electric Grid Company and telecom regulator Roskomnadzor. Our students provide telecom, IT, system administration, software development and other services to such utility companies as MosGaz and MOEK.
Faculty of Arts
Volgogradsky prospect 32, building 11, Moscow, 109316
+7 (495) 671 74 20; +7 (495) 671 72 40