Faculty Department of Architecture and Design
Department of Architecture and Design applies and shares best practices in teaching, being a platform where modern teaching technologies are developed. In order to prepare sought-after specialists in the field of design, urbanism, environmental, industrial and graphic design, the Department implements educational programs in such areas as "Architecture" and "Design". The faculty and students take an active part in various architectural contests and competitions. The department annually participates in such exhibitions as ARCH Moscow, Architecture, the All-Russian competition "My Country – My Russia", the design crash courses hosted by the University of NTI 20.35, international amateur talent contests where graduation thesis are reviewed and evaluated. It all attests to creative activity and allows students to feel their involvement in professional architectural life. We take pride in the success of our students, who for several years have been winners and runner-ups at the WorldSkills Championship in the competence of "Architecture", "Graphic Design", thus making their names known in the professional environment!

Selection committee
117342, Moscow, st. Vvedensky,
st. 1A (metro station Kaluzhskaya)
st. 1A (metro station Kaluzhskaya)